About Us
We are a group of volunteers based in Australia, New Zealand and other parts of the world, working with a number of Pacific Island parliamentary bodies and other organisations related to the Association of Pacific Island Legislatures.
We believe that access to affordable broadband for all communities, together with systems and skills capacity growth, represents the best investment for enabling social, economic and environmental well-being across the Pacific Islands region and a viable future for all communities.
Please join our call for a joint regional policy initiative to ‘Connect the Blue Continent’.
Our founder and team leader Chris Sampson is an information systems veteran with more than 30 years experience applying systems-oriented innovation across the private and public sectors. Chris has presented on knowledge management and improving productivity to governments around the world including the central governments of China and the USA, various European and Asian jurisdictions and organisations such as the UN, IUCN and the World Bank. au.linkedin.com/in/chrisjsampson/
Research Intern Lizzie Hart has contributed to our social media campaign and researched/written several of our blog posts. With a degree in International Studies, Lizzie offers a perspective of international politics and environmental management to our research.
Lizzie is starting an internship at the International Telecommunications Union in Geneva, Switzerland in August 2013 but will continue to assist us to Connect the Blue Continent. au.linkedin.com/pub/elizabeth-hart/56/320/764
Research intern Bahar Forghani achieved her masters in Public Policy and Management from Carnegie Mellon University. Bahar’s background is in Policy analysis and environmental management and she is interested in working on regional and community development projects. Bahar is focussing on stakeholder management and developing case studies around current issues within the Pacific Islands and how broadband can assist. au.linkedin.com/pub/bahar-forghani/42/689/3b1
Ariel Chen is a recent university graduate with a business background who is passionate about business development and business related studies.
Ariel is attracted to Connect the Blue Continent because the concept is in line with her value systems. Ariel is working on the business side of Connect the Blue Continent to help it become a sustainable and successful program. au.linkedin.com/in/arielchen89
This initiative is dedicated to the inspiring kids of Biketawa.
Contact us at http://www.facebook.com/BlueContinent